(UPDATE: Definitely started this draft in the beginning of December 2012...I'm graduated and working now!)

Mi familia y yo :)

I guess I should start blogging more! I made this:

This was blackberry cobbler...


Oh food! And please forgive my poor food photography. The best one is the first and most recent pic using natural lighting and a dumbphone (the best...lighting that is)!
Also, for the past 1-2 years, I have been experimenting with vegan cuisine. I'm really enjoying learning about how to prepare food differently and animal- and dairy-free! It is much healthier and very delicious! Flavor and funderfuliciousness does not have to be compromised because bacon and cheddar are not involved.
DISCLAIMER: I am an advocate for bacon and cheddar...not necessarily in that order nor necessarily together. However I will oblige under the circumstances that they are offered in conjunction with one another.
Even further, I am now reading this:
It's really helping reshape how I think of food and my body. I'm gonna take the 6-week challenge. Pray for me, lol! (But, seriously...) This, subsequently, will result in healthified "nutritarian" recipes. I will still post the occasional recipes for baked yumyums and noms that include animal products...I just won't be eating them. #TheStruggle. But this is for my health, for my life and ultimately for God's Kingdom and my role in it. More on this process later.
Ohhh....yeahhh, at one point had dreadlocks...and a nose ring :)

That was funnn...haha!
I did my 2nd Big Chop March 2012 because I wasn't being very smart lol. I loved it though...but missed my locs.

Hair Disaster December 2012 -- pictures later...oy!
Annnd...3rd Big Chop April 2013
Ended up doing this after the aforementioned sad hair story that is for another post:

I actually love it short. However, it's growing in and now looks like this:

I may get locs again...who knows :)
I also went on a mission trip to Baja, Mexico with Ten Days Missions and it was beyond amazing. The majesty and sovereignty of God was definitely displayed. Here's a picture for you to enjoy. I'll post later on that as well.
Mi amiguita, Luna, y yo :)

I will post my recipe ventures, hair schtuffs, how Jesus Christ is rocking my world and other fun life things now that I will have more time (ostensibly) to maintain a blog! Much love to you all (1..2? Ha!)
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