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On Black, Fat, Femme Positivity: Why I'm at My Heaviest, My Most Confident, and Don't Need Your Approval to Exist

"If I breathe in public for five seconds, it’s also common that someone will feel the need to tell me, “YASSSSS!” in an attempt to ch...

Monday, April 14, 2014

¡Feliz cumpleaños a mi! :)

"Failures are finger posts on the road to achievement." -C.S. Lewis

Long time, no type! Well, I failed my driver's road test again; that was a WHILE back. It's all good. It's all God. I didn't have peace for a while with this situation. I'm finally getting to a place of contentment with my transportation and other things. The time is coming soon… Still ain't excited 'bout these insurance premiums, though!

Moving on…I celebrated a birthday this past Saturday, April 12th. I've lived to see the ripe old age of 24. Hahahahaaa!!! 24 is good though. I feel it will be a good year for me. I think I was kind of over 23. I'm excited about what my future holds. God has brought me through a wealth of trials and triumph in my short time here on earth thus far, and I trust that He will do even greater things in the coming years. He is faithful.

I took some time off Thursday and Friday before my birthday! Wednesday was a great start to my vacation! My sweet auntie (I affectionately call her 'Nannie') sent me lilies! They're still blossoming brilliantly! :) I enjoyed doing absolutely nothing productive on Thursday and Friday, I had a massage, brunch and my bestest friend came into town!

We went to Denny's for my free Grand Slam and then went shopping! I was treated to two dresses of my choice (courtesy of my hitta, Shawa!) and wore one to my 'surprise' party (Uncle Rob spilled the beans! Lol!) Check it out!

I wish I got a picture while standing! I'm telling you, I was slayin' 'em! #YAASSS! I'm sure someone snapped one. I'll have to recover photos from other people. Anywho, before the party, some friends and I went to Trudy's here in Austin, TX and I got my free Mexican Martini. SO. GOOD. My favorite (the link, the LS, D-Neezy) got me a wine rack and bottle(s) yes, BOTTLESSS to fill it with along with cheese and crackers from World Market. Anyone who knows the fancy foodie in me knows this gave me LIIIFFFEEEE! So grateful to my friends for not just their gifts, but their presence. Needless to say, I went home and took a nap thereafter. The food and martini had a sister feelin' full and lovely! Lol! The party was after that! You can see pictures and vids of us jammin' out together HERE!

We HAD to hit downtown after the party! Had so much fun! Got myself a free birthday cocktail. Yesss…ALL THE FREEBIES! Annnd, I ended up running into Tyson Beckford. #NoBiggie. He was super chill and very much as attractive in person as he is in magazine spreads.

I had a friggin' blast and am so grateful for life, a new year and the people God has given me to celebrate with. My heart is full, and I'm am overwhelmed with joy for all the love poured out on me for my birthday. My family, friends, brothers and sisters from other mothers and misters are all the best! God has truly smiled on me! Hopefully I'll have more pictures to come later. Till then…

