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On Black, Fat, Femme Positivity: Why I'm at My Heaviest, My Most Confident, and Don't Need Your Approval to Exist

"If I breathe in public for five seconds, it’s also common that someone will feel the need to tell me, “YASSSSS!” in an attempt to ch...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Today I Kind of Experienced My First (and prayerfully last) Campus Shooting

On today, September 28, 2010...A masked man in a 3-piece black business suit ran through 21st Street of The University of Texas at Austin flailing an AK-47 and shooting into the air. As many classmates, faculty and staff ran rampant, the assailant made his way to the 5th and 6th floors of the Perry-Castañeda Library on 21st and Speedway. While again flailing and shooting, he soon turned the gun on himself taking his own life. Thankfully, no one besides the gunman was injured, shot or killed. However it is very sad that he ended his own life, especially when there are answers other than violence, pain and hurt. In light of today's events, I maintain faith and perseverance knowing that the Lord will guide my footsteps. I'm grateful because God is ever faithful. I'm keeping UT Austin lifted, the city of Austin and this dying world lifted as well, and I encourage those who read to do the same. We need prayer, we need a savior...He is Jesus Christ. Please get to know Him. I'm here as a child of God praying for you and with you. Much love and God's peace be with you all :) Philippians 4

In Him,

Mirakol ♥

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